Dear God, please save me from your followers.
A Facebook post by a young man in Denver celebrating his birthday today.
News, notes, and observations from the James River Valley in northern South Dakota with special attention to reviewing the performance of the media--old and new. E-Mail to
A Facebook post by a young man in Denver celebrating his birthday today.
Posted by
David Newquist
9:14 AM
When one enters the military, one loses most of the freedoms and rights that civilians enjoy. On some occasions, one has the right to dissent, but needs to be damned careful about what is said and how it is said. Officers do not have the right to criticize or express low opinions of Congress, the President, or any other member of their command. Gen. McChrystal is a case in point. Enlisted men can bitch on their own time, but anything that is insubordinate or disloyal can subject them to severe discipline.
In battle situations, effective commanders draw upon the experience and knowledge of veterans in the field, but most battle orders come from the top down and the grunts just follow orders. When ordered, they simply carry out the jobs they were trained to do. And any obstinacy or delay in carrying them out will be seen as a failure to obey orders or insubordination. No matter what a soldier may think of the way a task is set up, he or she is obligated to do it. This is a necessary fact of military life.
The reason for rigorous discipline in the American military is rooted deep in the experience with the militia. The militia was anything but well regulated. Lincoln, for example, was elected as commander of his company of Illinois militia during the so-called Black Hawk War. That honor was more a testament to his political savvy than to his aptitude as a military leader. He did not learn those latter skills until he was President facing the Civil War. That militia created one of the most embarrassing episodes in military history during an occasion named Stillman's Run. The men were encamped one night during their pursuit of Black Hawk and were enjoying their ration of whiskey. Their commander was named Stillman. Some of Black Hawk's scouts approached with a white flag to ask for a meeting. When some of the militia saw Indians approaching, they panicked and opened fire on them. The small party that had been sent to accompany the messengers opened fire in return to protect the messengers, and the militia ran in all directions, many of them not stopping until they reached some white enclave where they could hide in basements and fortified barns. They said they had been besieged by thousands of Indians and put all of northwestern Illinois in a state of panic. The place in Illinois where this mass demonstration of cowardice and incompetence took place was called Stillman's Run. Now it as been benignly renamed to Stillman's Valley. However, that bit of history provides the reason why military actions are assigned to a professionally trained and maintained military, not a militia.
A soldier's primary task is to carry out orders, and no time or circumstance is allowed to debate the wisdom or appropriateness of those orders. In America, the military must depend on the people who order them into action to have determined whether the wars declared are just and valid, whether the battle plans are competently drawn, and whether the necessary equipment and support for the actions is provided.
During and after Viet Nam, soldiers were vilified for the actions they carried out. The civilians who so abused and castigated them did not grasp that whatever the soldiers did they did under orders and would have received severe punishment if they disobeyed them. There are always cases in war where some soldiers go too far and commit war crimes, such as My Lai in Viet Nam. But even then, the ultimate responsibility falls--or at least it should--on those who are commanding the troops.
The troops are coming home from Iraq. Many of us protested this war as the country was preparing for it. At the time, we thought it was not justified and, as it draws down, are more convinced that American lives and resources were needlessly wasted. But the troops went there and carried out the mission set for them. The problem is that when one criticizes the war on Iraq, some people say we are not supporting our troops. We support our troops. Even though we thought this war served no purpose and would only worsen the situation in that area of the world, we provided them the equipment and support they needed, hoping that the battle would come to a quick conclusion. It didn't.
The troops carried out their orders magnificently, for the most part. Even though many of us think the war was irrational because Iraq was not a threat to us, the troops served under that pretext and deserve all the respect and honors we can bestow on them.
Any anger and resentment should be reserved for those who propelled us into the war and so botched the whole affair.
Posted by
David Newquist
11:00 PM
The Washington Post's Chris Cilizza has picked up on a Herseth Sandlin ad:
Posted by
David Newquist
5:41 PM
Monday, August 24, 1970, 3:42 a.m.
I was trying to sleep in my cabin in a pine forest along the Wisconsin River between Spring Green and Lone Rock. This is where I went on most weekends to get away from weekday worries, devote attention to practicing forestry and enjoying nature, and try to find some peace in a very turbulent time to write and work. We were spending an extended weekend in the forest before I returned to my home and got ready for college classes to start up. At that time, college campuses were not peaceful places. Protests against the Viet Nam War made it hard to keep students and many faculty focused on course work. In May of that year, four students were killed and another nine wounded by National Guard arms fire at Kent State. The pine forest was where I came to work, but the distractions were increasingly difficult to get away from.
I heard a very distant rumble, like thunder that morning. For some reason it was a disconcerting sound, because it seemed to break all the patterns of nature. The pine lands are in Sauk County, the Sand County of Aldo Leopold's Sand County Almanac. Storms are fairly frequent and welcome because they were quickly absorbed by the sandy soil and helped the pine trees to thrive. But this early morning, there were no follow-up rumbles, and as the sun came up, it shined on a blue, clear day.
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Sterling Hall where the bomb was planted. |
Posted by
David Newquist
11:15 PM
Posted by
David Newquist
4:56 PM
My printer cartridges went dry in the middle of a job I was trying to get in the mail on time. I rushed out the door to go to Target, where I buy cartridges. My spouse's car was pulled in behind mine on the driveway, so I took it rather than jockey cars around. No big deal.
I rushed from the parking lot and headed for the door to Target. Just as I reached the door, this vapid-faced woman, of the kind pictured in news photos with tea bags dangling from their hat brims, put her leg out in front of me to block my entrance. When I stopped, she said, "You are an Obama supporter?"
I said, "Yes, I have been"
She said, "Do you know he lies?"
"About what?" I said.
"Have you asked the lord?" she said.
Here is where I had trouble. I can read and write and speak in Old English, which has some of vilest, most colorful expressions of any language. I have been an Army drill instructor and can f-carpet-bomb with the best of them. Some of my arse chewings are legendary. And I can say cutting things, on occasion, without resorting to profanity. Even though this old creep probably deserved a dressing down that would put some color into her dull face, I had a more pressing mission.
I said, "No, not lately," as I stepped around her.
She said, "That's your problem."
As I left the store with the printer cartridges, I wondered how she divined that I was an Obama supporter. I am not of that ethnic color which might cause one to conclude that I am one of those people Glen Beck says is part of an anti-white racial conspiracy. But as I looked for my car and remembered that I was driving my wife's, I saw the "Women for Obama" and "Herseth Sandlin" stickers in its back window. I purposely do not put any kind of stickers on my car, because some people prowl parking lots looking for confrontations and I tend to respond with impromptu dissertations on how ugly, stupid, and offensive they are with highly embellished language, and I am too old to fight or run very fast. My body is aged but my mouth is a contender.
Anyway, this old bat seems to represent what politics has become for a large portion of the people. I have even thought of moving to Alask---oh, shit, is there no place to go to get away from them?
Posted by
David Newquist
10:57 AM
The headline reads:
Posted by
David Newquist
9:00 AM
Posted by
David Newquist
9:29 AM
The Dakota Day, which is among the few cerebral blog sites originating in South Dakota, has a series of articles about an Afghanistan veteran soldier who is home on leave. The soldier expresses his attitudes and thoughts on Facebook with some vicious derogation of the President and minorities, which The Dakota Day reproduces in a sanitized version.
Follow up articles at The Dakota Day take up the issue of verbal decorum. Because the soldier is an enlisted man, he is not subject to the discipline applied to officers who exhibit disrespect and hostility toward the command, military and civilian--as was the case with Gen. McChrystal. His effusions were a breach of ethics not a violation of military law. Sam Hurst ponders if the soldier represents a culture that has grown in the professional military, and there is no doubt that attitudes and rituals of bravado fostered by an inbred military are partially what is on display. The public attitudes toward those who serve has changed radically since Viet Nam, when soldiers were the objects of verbal abuse and derision. The change to an adoration of militarism was demonstrated when then-Congressman Bill Janklow spoke at the dedication of Aberdeen's huge flag in Wylie Park by plagiarizing a poem that circulates on the Internet which states that it is the soldier, not the minister, poet, reporter, lawyer, or demonstrator who is responsible for our freedoms. This tome of glorification is an affront to history because it denies all the thinkers and the many fronts on which the struggle for freedom has been fought. But it is evidence of the worship of militarism that marks the nation's slide toward fascism. Real fascism, not inchoate notion of it with which some charge Obama. It is a form of patriotism contrived to distract from the deceptions that got us into Iraq and turned Afghanistan into a morass of death and despair.
The Facebook posts begin with the soldier's observation: America is by far the greatest country ever and english is the onlky real language. everyone else can go eat a d**k.
The first response is from a Soldier's Friend: Welcome home buddy boy!!!
Then an apparent high school classmate responds: Hey [Soldier], I love your passion but maybe you should learn to spell in english before you dictate how everyone else should live.
And then the string goes into the expressive mode that is the verbal currency of Internet dialogues: Hey [Classmate] maybe u should be one to go eat a d**k and actually do something for the good of this country then come talk to me. I just got done fighting for this country so I'll say whatever the f**k I want. U prolly voted for the worst president ever too Obama I bet so u can suck my nuts
That level of inspiring lyricism sets the tone of what follows.
However, the Facebook posts are as representative of the culture that the Internet displays and propagates on blogs and social networks as of military cults. The real significance of the exchanges is in the degradation, not the profanity, of the language. They represent a regression into ignorance, mindlessness, and stupifaction that is a large part of what the world of blogs and social networks is about. That corrupted and deteriorated language is the currency of those media, The Internet did not create the cult of the stupid, but it reveals it and propagates it into a customary form of expression.
Out of deference for the respect owed those who serve our country, no one points out that the soldier's rant is illiterate. The classmate points out misspelling, but the typographical error is not the symptom of the illiteracy. The phrases from which any cognitive content is absent, the incompetent, incoherent sentences, and the clumsy crudity evidence a dysfunctional mode of expression.
The obsession with mastication of male genitalia has some psycho-social implications: If you don't like this country, the soldier tells his classmate, quickly leave it, but suck my d**k first. The idea is that any criticism of the country is unpatriotic and subversive, and the First Amendment really applies to those, such as the soldier, who malign, insult, and abuse those they regard as unpatriotic. This is a common theme in the mindset of those who call themselves conservatives.
The irony in the exchange strikes with a vicious impact. While the soldier claims to fight for freedoms and the American values of equality and justice, he denies the exercise of those freedoms to others and verbally banishes those who do not agree with him or suit his fancy to another country. As the soldier launches his verbal assault against his classmate, he becomes progressively more strident and vicious as his compatriots line up behind him to contribute to the taunts. It is the old playground bully syndrome, which plays itself out time and again on Internet forums. A bully taunts someone he sees as an object for torment. As the less bold bullies line up behind him to gain some sense of consequence and power, he is more emboldened in his insult and abuse. This is a ritual with which every teacher is familiar and, if at all concerned and competent, tries to disrupt before the bully culture forms itself into established cliques. But there are barriers to such intervention, and the result is the cultural pathology demonstrated on this Facebook exchange. It also reveals that the soldier's attitudes and conflicts with his classmate do not originate with his military service, but date back to their high school days.
The rage and malevolence exhibited by the soldier is often encountered in the military, as the primary job of the basic infantry-man--the human weapon platform--is to do those things for which hatred is part of the mental equipment. My time as a soldier was during the Cold War when a large part of the job of those who worked overseas, in addition to our primary jobs of defense, was to represent America's better side and to demonstrate to our host countries that we were there to keep in check totalitarian aggressors and nuclear war and to protect and support those people who sought the freedoms and advantages we enjoyed. Our cadre in the guided missile battalion was composed largely of seasoned veterans of World War II and Korea. They were men who had survived combat and were deeply committed to the mission of peace. We had plenty of those who lived in a state of belligerence and hostility, but they were generally "reassigned" to duties that kept them out of view and in reserve for such time as their attitudes and aggressive proclivities would be useful. While we worked at maintaining our missiles and our skills in a ready state at all times, we also trained extensively in basic combat techniques. Even then, those soldiers devoted to belligerence were neither respected, nor trusted. They did not represent the purpose and integrity of our military. On the other hand, we had men who were so damaged by war that they could barely function, but were kept on until they could retire with honor.
A man assigned to our battery had been the sergeant major of the U. S Army in Europe. He bore the burn marks over his body from being trapped in a burning tank and his campaign ribbons would fill a wall. He had been busted down to the rank of corporal. He did some perfunctory work on communications equipment by that time, but we saw little of him during the day. Each night at 5 p.m. he came into the Enlisted Men's Club and had a beer a half, which would raise the blood alcohol level he maintained enough to the point that he would black out and crash to the floor. Each night we dutifully picked him up and carried him to his bunk. We were protective of this man and greatly saddened by what his service to his country had cost him.
This situation demonstrated by the soldier of the Facebook exchanges complicates the obligations we Americans have to our military service people, especially those who have served in combat. We found that the care and treatment of our physically wounded veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan was deplorable, and much has been done to improve their treatment. We are still floundering around with how to treat those who have been psychically damaged by combat and the war environment. In my time, being "shell-shocked" was something that happened to sissies. Now we call it post traumatic stress syndrome, and are just beginning to acknowledge that it is something that deserves study and treatment. We have a moral obligation to help and treat those who have incurred injuries, both physical and psychic, in our service. And that includes those who may have entered the service with those pathologies that make them dysfunctional.
At this time, we have some valuable information about the effects that a war environment has on those who must endure it. Two books currently on the best seller lists are particularly instructive in understanding the psychic casualties of war. One is With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa by E.B. Sledge. It is the memoir of a young marine in the South Pacific during World War II. Sledge, who was a biology professor, did not publish the account until 1981, but it has become a classic. The Marines and Army had 9500 casualties from the battle at Peleliu. However, the most devastating aspect of that battle was that strategists later said that Peleliu was not a strategic target and the battle did not have to be fought. Sledge and his fellow soldiers had to deal with the fact that 9500 of the troops they served with lost life and limb in a battle that the command decided had no consequence. Sledge writes about the raging hatred one has to work up to effectively fight the enemy, and when that need for that rage and the fight is called into question, he must find some way to deal with that sense that all the sacrifice may have served no real purpose. He finds solace in the training and sense of purpose he received from the "old breed," those officers and enlisted cadre who instill a sense of purpose that helps him maintain a dignified humanity in grossly dehumanizing circumstances. The bonds of friendship he forms with other marines are what sustain him.
The book is important not only for giving a realistic portrayal of war but for giving an account of the psychic battle E. B. Sledge fought to preserve his own soul.
The other book is one just released this summer, War, by Sebastian Junger, a writer for Vanity Fair, who was embedded with a platoon in a remote outpost in Afghanistan. He gives a penetrating account of what war does to the men who fight it: “It’s a miraculous kind of antiparadise up here: heat and dust and tarantulas and flies and no women and no running water and no cooked food and nothing to do but kill and wait.” This book, too, gives an account of psychological battles men must fight to try to stay whole.
War destroys the better angels of the human psyche. It turns people into pack animals that use fang and claw to fight and subdue each other for no purpose other than a degraded survival. Wars have to be fought when the values of liberty, equality, and true justice are threatened, but we are in two wars now that have little justification. The invasion of Iraq was totally unnecessary. Afghanistan has turned from a war of liberation into a war of constant "killing and waiting." There are more effective ways our treasure, our talents, our people could be deployed.
The young soldier Facebook fighter from Rapid City will most likely return to active duty after his rest and recuperation leave. The America he portrays as serving in his Facebook exchanges is not the America most of us who have served have in mind. We are aware of why our ancestors left their home countries in the Old World and came to America to help build a nation based on liberty, equality, and justice. The "greatest country ever where english is the only language" the young soldier conceives is not the country of our better angels, but of the demons with which we do constant battle to realize the promise of America. E.B. Sledge makes the comment that if the country is good enough to live in, it's good enough to fight for. When people invite us to leave because we do not accept their angry intolerance and belligerence as the values that guide us, it does make us wonder if this is the country where we want to live--and serve.
E. B. Sledge found fellow soldiers who showed him the alternatives to accepting a degraded level of existence imposed by war. Perhaps the Rapid City soldier will find some representatives of the "old breed" of soldier who will show him the way. But we all have the responsibility to muster our better angels and offer ways out of the degradation of hate, anger, and horror that war imposes. That may mean that we might have to pick up those so afflicted off the floor and carry them to bed each night in the hopes that they can find rest and healing.
For most of us, the America we serve is not found in the words of blogs and social networks. The America we work and fight for is the one that takes up Lincoln's challenge: "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."
Posted by
David Newquist
12:00 PM
Posted by
David Newquist
2:46 PM