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News, notes, and observations from the James River Valley in northern South Dakota with special attention to reviewing the performance of the media--old and new. E-Mail to

Friday, June 21, 2019

It's a stench that once released never goes away

Highmore, South Dakota, had a parade to celebrate Old Settlers Weekend, and what received the most attention was the float described in the Facebook post above.  The float was made by a person named Jeff Damer.  It portrays Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama locked up in a cage with Donald Trump outside being president.  And, of course, it had a large flag for Trump in 2020  and small American flags fluttering below it, to demonstrate that Trump has defeated America.  An endorsement of Trump is an open announcement that the endorser rejects the principles of liberty, equality, justice, and decency that the founders tried to create a nation to serve.  The portrayal of locking up political opponents is a straightforward expression of neo-Naziism.  

Many residents of Highmore and other observers protest that the float does not represent the values  of most of the people of the town.  It does not characterize the place.  It is just one malicious person expressing his First Amendment right.

Unfortunately, that is not how such a portrayal works.  I found out how such expressions work on a town some years ago.

About 15 years ago, some politicians from North and South Dakota proposed creating a think tank that would deal with issues facing the northern plains.  It was conceived partly in response to the study that claimed that human culture on the Great Plains was not sustainable and proposed returning them to a Buffalo Commons.  The idea of a think tank to study the issues on the Great Plains and define solutions to the problems gained considerable support.  Money was made available for a feasibility study and to arrange the actual ground work.  As the originators of the proposal were from the Dakotas, a market research organization was hired to detail all the considerations required by such a think tank and to recommend a location in the Dakotas.  The research firm came up with a list of university towns in the Dakotas where the think tank could ally itself with the resources of a higher education facility, one of the major considerations, and do its research.  Aberdeen was on the list.

A research team came to Aberdeen, as it did other towns, and made an intensive survey of the town's possibilities for supporting such a research enterprise.  At the time, my spouse and I were working for organizations that had offices in the same building.  We were also connected with advocates of the think tank proposal and were asked to help find a place with office equipment where the research team could conduct its survey of Aberdeen.  We were able to provide office space and telephone and computer services.  I was able to look over the shoulders of the research team to see how such a survey was conducted.

During that time, the local newspaper sponsored an internet chat board where people could comment and discuss affairs of the community.  As such comment sections do, it attracted trolls who posted scurrilous, vicious, and defamatory comments.  The research team took what I thought  was an inordinate interest in such comments.  I said that such comments did not represent or characterize the vast majority of the people of Aberdeen.

The team members said that was not the point of consideration.  When looking for a place for a client to build, whether a building or an organization, the environment is crucial.  A team member pointed out that a consultant would never recommend situating a client on a site contaminated with radiation, near a livestock confinement operation with noise and the reek of manure, near a town dump, or factory exuding noxious fumes, or any other source of despoliation.  The same applies to the intellectual and moral environment.  A community may largely be composed of upstanding and reasonably intelligent people, but a few malicious, abusive people contaminate the mental environment in ways that nullify the work of people of good will and good effort.  Intellectually benign and productive people find that the malignant atmosphere around people of ill-will is not one in which they wish to live and work, and such a negative influence can nullify their positive efforts.

Aberdeen was not selected as the site for the think tank.  In fact, the consulting team concluded that no place in the Dakotas had the necessary qualities and intellectual environment in which a think tank could successfully operate.  The project was abandoned.

The malicious float in the Highmore parade put an ugly, indelible stain on the community.  It is one the people must live with, even though it detracts from their efforts to lead good and productive lives.  All the apologies and denials the good people make will not remove the blemish from their town.  Some will move away and others will refuse to move there.

The perpetrators of malice will insist that they were simply exercising their First Amendment right.  They do not seem to understand that people have a concomitant right to reject and condemn their speech and to avoid the people who are the source of such malice.  

Many old settlers came to the frontier to escape the oppression and offenses in established communities.  A reverse of that migration is that people now move to large population centers where they join in counteractive groups that reduce the effects of malice.  But there is a national problem.  Donald Trump is a malicious and dishonest person who has odiously stained the whole nation.  Rather than reject his constant lying and his defamatory abuse, he has followers, such as the float-builder in Highmore, who revel in his malice.  Learned people contend that Trump does not offer a political choice, but that he and his followers are systematically destroying democracy.  Trump is the failure of the great American experiment.

Many people I know are seriously looking for places they can move to that retain the American qualities of liberty, equality, justice, and decency.  The other alternative is a violent revolt.

Highmore is a place most of us would avoid, but as goes Highmore, so goes the U.S.


Unknown said...

You sir are funny. I was at that parade and I was not offended and as a matter of fact everyone that I talked to felt no offense. I think you are a troubled person who is a trump hating liberal. Get over it. TRUMP 2020

Sick and tired of it said...

Why don’t you go back to your little corner and leave Highmore alone. Why is it only the Left can speak and the Right can’t? Why is it the Left is always right and the Right is always wrong? If you can’t be tolerant of us, why should we put up with you? I’m So tired of the left spewing so much hatred. How do you even stand yourself? Grow up and get a grip!

Many people believe Obama and Hillary should have charged brought against them and deserve to be in prison, but that’s not up to’s up to the prosecutor, defense and judge and jury to decide. As far as the Wall goes-BUILD it!!! People can come in legally or not at all. It’s the LAW!!!


Mr. Newquist,
Please sir, tell us WHO wants to move away from Highmore because of this so called malicious float.
Please, tell us WHO exactly was offended by it?
Can you?
Because, there is nobody that was offended by it. There is nobody that feels like they need to move from that great town.
You on the other hand, heard a story, thought it would make a great blog and would give you the recognition that you feel you deserve.
You are no better than the other Trump haters out there that are trying to ruin America and give us a bad reputation.
I, sir, am one of those Trump followers and will continue to fight for our country, for Liberty and Justice.

David Newquist said...

"Rather than reject his constant lying and his defamatory abuse, he has followers, such as the float-builder in Highmore, who revel in his malice."

John Silas said...

It is interesting to note that the Trump devotees all seem to have problems with reading comprehension.

Anne said...

I have never understood just what these people think Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have done that deserves imprisonment, other than that one is a woman and one is an Afro-American and neither preaches the gospel of hate.

Roger Cornelius said...

If the float in question wasn't spiteful and hateful why was Jeff Daymer pleading with Kevin Woster on Facebook to take it down and block it from being shared?
Furthermore Mr. Daymer apologized to the citizens of Highmore for the message his float sent, why did he do that?
The only thing missing from the float that the Trump rally usually has was the Nazi and Confederate flags?

larry kurtz said...

In South Dakota Meade, Moody, Potter and Pennington Counties struggle with racism on daily and local levels. Confederate flags routinely fly in Rapid City showing support for racism in like-minded states, South Carolina and Mississippi. Many more come out during the Sturgis Rally as bikers in the Black Hills flaunting their racist bents fly the flag of slavery from their machines. Gettysburg, South Dakota remains a white supremacist stronghold. South Dakota is home to numerous sculptures that idolize genocide visited upon American Indians. Mount Rushmore is the state's premier example of racist ideology. Its sculptor was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. As James Van Nuys puts the finishing touches on his statue of Barack Obama Democrats are privately discussing its safety in racist Rapid City.

Porter Lansing said...

It's often said that President Trump won because people didn't respect the opinions, life situations, and troubles of the common man and woman. Mr. Damer and the first three commenters on this blog post exemplify the common man and woman in question. It's time to mitigate these social imbalances. Liberals and moderates can be more accepting and respectful to Trump supporters. We all get to vote our beliefs, one vote per person. Tossing insults back and forth isn't liberal style.

mike from iowa said...

Miss Etheridge, mayhaps you missed this little nugget from Kevin Woster.

Some people were clearly offended.

David Newquist said...

I have received numerous comments that I have not posted because they violate my policy of not posting anonymous or irrelevant comments. I do not think I have posted an exchange of insults. Dr. Silas, a professional colleague, and I have both noted that the divide among Americans has formed along the lines of some deficiencies of literacy, which we both have worked to prevent and remedy. Anne has been an administrator in the justice system and is sensitive to false, unsupported charges of criminality. I permitted the publication of the comments to demonstrate that some comments totally missed the point I made, which is a literacy problem, and some point out the gaslighting that characterizes the kind of problems that plague our political discourse. A huge problem with literacy is a primary cause of the political divide, and the literate are facing a classic choice between flight or fight. I see our democracy in grave peril.

Jenny said...

Thank you Mr Newquist for writing this piece, I agree with everything you said, Growing up in the area, I unfortunately ran into too many of these low class ignorant rednecks. The progressives happily left these useless towns after high school and never looked back.

It is just sad that this class of people are what’s mostly left there.

Anonymous said...

Our country is so divided right now and I always thought we were better than this being in a small state such as South Dakota but I guess not. That float was highly inflammatory and just adds fuel to the fire. Even going back to Nixon I cannot remember ever seeing floats in city parades that sought to offend other neighbors in a South Dakota community and our state. It is not only Liberals that are shocked and offended by this. Now we see those doubling down and not only fully supporting this act but are being offensive and just making it worse. We had always stopped in Highmore several times a year for something to eat and get gas on are way to west river to see relatives or go to the hills but no more. We will just drive on thru and not spend a dime there nor support that divisive behavior. Poor judgement was on full display during that parade.

Porter Lansing said...

Agreed, Prof. Newquist. It's not you throwing insults around. That's why I noted the attacks by Mr. Damer and the first three commenters. Even though these four are welcome to say what they want, it does us no good to "mud swim" with them. I'm pleading with all the liberals who can't wait to vote.

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Aberdeen, South Dakota, United States