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News, notes, and observations from the James River Valley in northern South Dakota with special attention to reviewing the performance of the media--old and new. E-Mail to

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Why should good South Dakotans care if you get sick and die?

 Almost 30 million Americans have been infected with Covid-19. The disease has killed more than a half million, 533,000.  Many of those who recovered have been left with health impairments. The CDC has issued guidelines for getting control of the pandemic, but a lot of South Dakotans blow them off.  Why should they care about a bunch of sick and dead people?

That attitude was expressed by a number of people.  The occasion was when I published a picture that had been posted on Facebook.  The picture was of a large group of Chamberlain high school students at a basketball tournament in Huron.  They are gathered behind a large Trump campaign poster without masks giving all manner of hand signals.  They were putting on a public display with political implications at a sports event where it would seem more appropriate to emphasize support for their team, not focus on an election that was over five months ago.  They were rallying around the same attitude that resulted in the attack on the U.S. Capitol, and I have questions about how and why they chose that emphasis.  It is the responsibility of school boards and education staff to set the tone and standards of conduct for such events, and I, like many, wonder how this came about with a group of high school kids at a sporting event. Why would they be demonstrating over an election that has been decided?

I published the school directory of board members and administrative staff so that people would know who the responsible people are.

Authorities in Washington, D.C., have charged more than 300 people from the attack on the U.S. Capitol and expect to charge 100 more.  How did high school kids in South Dakota decide to carry the banner for that attack to a basketball tournament?  What do the school authorities think about it?

The students exercised their First Amendment right.  We are exercising ours to ask how a demonstration in support of an insurrection and in violation of tournament rules (see below) came about.  

Below are some comments which indicate attitudes that support the motives of the insurrection, and find no problem with the message the kids delivered.  The political climate in South Dakota doesn't seem to enlist students in the war on the coronavirus but expresses approval of their endorsement of the war on democracy.  The issue obviously is not understood by the commenters on my blog.

The comments bearing names have been posted to the blog. We do not published anonymous comments. But we post them here, with our response, for information purposes about attitudes within the state.  Note how many of the commenters have trouble making coherent sentences.  That's the symptom of a serious problem.

Awaiting moderation

Unknown commented on "Basketball at tournament gets benched for Trump and white power hand signs"

23 hours ago

Are kidding me?! You truly think that was staged. Teenagers do what they want. Apparently, you have forgotten things from when you were a teenager. Teenagers do these kind of things on their own. Apparently, FREE SPEECH does exist anymore. White Power hand signs...huh? I am willing to bet no adults had anything to do with it. Just because, it may have been inappropriate to some people, doesn't mean it was done maliciously. I'm sure those kids will be reprimanded, by there school. Let the school district handle it. Encouraging adults to call and complain, is low and petty. Everyone needs to stop complaining about every little thing someone else does, and mind there own business. Publishing the names and numbers of school board members and school administrators is very wrong of you. It is going to cause malicious attacks on those people, who probably had nothing to do with it. Post your numbers, as well sir. So, people can give you their opinion, good or bad, on this subject as well. Mr. A. Bartels, in MT. American, concerned for the future generations.

These kids were flaunting the CDC guidelines to maintain social distancing and wear masks.  The arena also has rules:

With last year’s state tournaments cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are safeguards in place for this year’s tournaments.

For those attending the games, Huron Arena Manager Terry Rotert reminds everyone of the Arena rules. 

There are no restrictions to the number of people allowed in the Arena, but masks are required for all spectators at all times.

The board members and administrators were listed because they are the ones responsible for the welfare and conduct of students at school related events.  
The kids will be kids but they are sent to school to learn how to be responsible citizens.  The kids were free to express themselves and people have the equal right to question what they are expressing.

More than a half a million Americans have been killed by the coronavirus and this little demonstration by s maskless crowd is blown off as kids just being kids.  What they need is better adult models.

As for people being able to register their complaints to me, you seem to have found your way here.

Awaiting moderation

Unknown commented on "Basketball at tournament gets benched for Trump and white power hand signs"

2 days ago

You don't know what their primary motive was!! Were you there?? No you just want to start crap!

No, I wasn't there. But a photograph with documentation was posted on the internet with the kids making hand gestures behind a big sign.  The message they sent was clear.  That's called evidence.  

Tim Begalka commented on "Basketball at tournament gets benched for Trump and white power hand signs"

2 days ago

What a bunch of crap ! These students are free to express themselves even if you don't agree with them ! I am proud of them ! Leave them alone ! White power hand signs ? Really ? If these students had all been black would you feel the same way ?

No comment needed here on the thinking of a former state legislator.

Awaiting moderation

Unknown commented on "Basketball at tournament gets benched for Trump and white power hand signs"

2 days ago

You are not in charge of anyone. People have freedom to do things that might be contrary to your views. Stop.being a Karen

In our nation, the people are in charge and have a right to know what is being done in their name.  Karen was my maiden name.

Awaiting moderation

Paul Revere2 commented on "Basketball at tournament gets benched for Trump and white power hand signs"

2 days a

Media. Doing the work of the gestapo

Half a million dead, Paul.  Not as efficient as the gas ovens.

Awaiting moderation

Talk about overreacting! Perfect example of an adult drama queen Marxist. These students have the backbone needed for true and honest future leadership America needs, and some snowflake adult tries to intimidate them with this article. Disgraceful behavior on the adults part.

Yes, it was disgraceful.  Do you have any idea what a Marxist is?

Tyler Frantzen

Fri, Mar 12, 12:28 PM (2 days ago)
to me
Your story on chamberlain is what’s wrong with the media today . There is no sign of white power . Let these kids be shaming them is also what’s wrong with you . You are no journalist just a bully to high school kids bet you feel mighty on your high horse . You are sick. I’m proud of these kids standing for what they believe in nothing wrong with that . They didn’t destroy anything or do anything wrong here . Time for you to go if I was the parents of these kids I would be making sure you never write a story again . 



Eve Fisher said...

Freedom of speech for the kids, but not for you. Basically, the New Conservative World Order is "I can say / do anything I want without consequences, because freedom! And if you criticize any of it, you must be stopped, because freedom!" I call BS on it.

Jerry K. Sweeney said...

I agree with my former colleague in every respect.

Jerry K. Sweeney
Professor Emeritus
South Dakota State University

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Aberdeen, South Dakota, United States