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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Big Brother isn't all there

No, it's not out of George Orwell's imagining of life in a totalitarian dystopia.  It was on CNN Friday from  Fort Myers, FL, where Trump was addressing the elderly about healthcare.  He was rattling off about how well he had handled the coronavirus and how we had turned the corner and would soon be free of the pandemic.  Every claim he made was false, and I was wondering how anyone would dare stand in front of the entire country and try to pass off lies when the facts which refuted everything he said were broadcast or published in every medium.   But then the TV host, Brianna Keilar, cut in and said,
Quite frankly there are so many falsehoods, we just need to interject and fact-check some of this."

Big Brother is not all there
Big Brother is not all there
Of course, such actions will trigger Trump's charges of the media  being the purveyor of fake news and the enemy of the people.  Such charges will be given extra voltage by disinformation campaigns which erode away the United State's credibility at home and abroad.  But the Trumpies will swoon in praise and adulation as Trump feeds them the gibberish that nourishes their malignant brains.  To them, facts are the bias of their chosen enemies.

In its fact check of things Trump said at his recent campaign events, the Associated Press notes, "Regard for the facts is not a hallmark of Trump's campaign for the Nov. 3 election or of his presidency."  You can read their fact check here --if you care to read the ravings of someone who lives in a universe created totally by his malfunctioning mind.  And you can read about that here: 

350 health professionals sign letter to Congress claiming Trump's mental health is deteriorating dangerously

Read more here:

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