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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A blow job for Trump?

After expressing contempt for Donald Trump when they were rivals for the Republican candidacy for presidency, Sen.Lindsey Graham has devoted himself to become an embarrassingly intense sucker of the Trump ego.  He has demonstrated the lengths to which one must go to receive the approval of Trump.  Trump expects his staff and supporters to grovel and debase themselves before him to show their loyalty.  

Brett Kavanaugh has joined the writhing mass of grovelers at Trump's feet, thus making the Supreme Court just another subsidiary of the Trump Organization.  He began the grovel the night he was nominated with an overtly political acceptance in which he credited Trump with undeserved and untruthful praise:

No president has ever consulted more widely or talked with more people from more backgrounds to seek input about a Supreme Court nomination. Mr. President, I am grateful to you and I am humbled by your confidence in me. Thank you.
He continued in that obsequious vein at the White House swearing-in (he'd already been officially sworn in) which was more a political rally than an official ceremony.  While he claimed he would be an independent justice who would focus on the law, he also specified those to whom he has obligations:

Mr. President, thank you for the great honor of appointing me to serve as a Justice of the Supreme Court. I’ve seen firsthand your deep appreciation for the vital role of the American judiciary. I am grateful for your steadfast, unwavering support throughout this process. And I’m grateful to you and Mrs. Trump for the exceptional, overwhelming courtesy you have extended to my family and me.
Mr. President, thank you for everything.

I thank the members of the United States Senate: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for his leadership and steady resolve. I thank Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley for his wisdom and fairness. And I give special gratitude to Senators Rob Portman, Susan Collins, Joe Manchin, John Kyl, and Lindsey Graham. They’re a credit to the country and the Senate. I’ll be forever grateful to each of them and to all the senators who carefully considered my nomination.

Presiding over the final vote in the Senate on Saturday was Vice President Pence. I’m grateful to the Vice President for his sound advice and faithful support. I thank Counsel to the President Don McGahn, who was a warrior for fairness and performed his critical duties in the finest traditions of our Constitution. 
 I thank all the outstanding people in the White House, the Department of Justice, and the Senate who worked day and night on this nomination.
 As a number of reporters have pointed out, it is one thing to acknowledge the work of people who support a Supreme Court nomination, but another to express a sense of debt and duty to them.  Most justices are careful to delineate their independence from the White House and the Congressional politicians.

I was near a group of people gathered in front of a television as the ceremony was being conducted.  As Kavanaugh went through his litany of gratitude, I heard someone say, "My god, I think he's getting ready to give Trump a blow job."  And someone else said, "Yeah, it's a bit much."  

And so, the Supreme Court has entered tweet land and no decision can be regarded as anything other than a political pronouncement.  Law and reason give way to another big sucking sound.

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